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Today, I already turned 25

An ode to the beauty of maturing. An ode to the possibility of more experience in life.

An ode to what already has been. An ode to nothing will ever last.

An ode to today. 

Djamila created Today, I already turned 25 as part of her graduation.


This solo was a result of her research about transitioning into adulthood. Curiously embarking the wonders adulthood with baby steps. Questioning what growing up actually means and wondering what the parameters of 'being an adult' actually are. In this floorwork solo we follow Djamila for 7 minutes in her journey of growing-up, going through various phases, stages and dynamics. 

Today, I already turned 25 was performed during;


31 / 5 / 2022
Graduation performance, FHK Academietheater - Tilburg, the Netherlands


28 / 7 / 2022 (work in progress)

HJS Open Podium, de Hallen / Cafe Belcampo - Amsterdam, the Netherlands


6 - 7 / 8 / 2022
Theaterfestival Boulevard - Den Bosch, the Netherlands


1 / 9 / 2022 
Festival Springplank - Utrecht, the Netherlands

27 / 10 / 2022

Festival Circolo - Tilburg, The Netherlands

Choreography & Performance




Djamila Ploeg

Andreas Hannes and Keren Rosenberg


Tony Anderson, Martin Roth, Celer, Explosions in the Sky

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